
Fully Qualified Carers in Coventry

At Weavers Care Home we are committed to providing the highest quality staff to care for our residents, which is why we are constantly re-training them to bring you the best service. All of our staff are qualified to a minimum of NVQ Level 3.

Fully Qualified Carers in Coventry

At Weavers Care Home we are committed to providing the highest quality staff to care for our residents, which is why we are constantly re-training them to bring you the best service. All of our staff are qualified to a minimum of NVQ Level 3.

Fully Trained Staff

All of staff employed by Weavers Care Home are qualified to a minimum of NVQ Level 3.
Staff bottom

Angela Johnson - Manager

Angela Johnson is the manager of Weavers Care Home and is dedicated to ensuring every aspect of the home performs to the highest quality possible.

Betty Colville - Activity Team Manager

Betty Colville is manager of our dedicated activity department, ensuring residents are always able to be kept busy throughout the day.
Feel at home at Weavers
Tel: 024 7622 2467
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